A few different treasure maps can be found within Red Dead Redemption 2. They can be found and collected at any time from Chapter 2 onward. Note that even if you know the final location of the treasure chain, you cannot collect the loot without going through the prior steps. The best time to complete these is as early as possible — since money is more useful at the beginning than at the end. Read on to find out more about Red Dead Redemption 2 Treasure Map Locations.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Treasure Map Locations – Jack Hall Gang Treasure
You get this first treasure map from a random encounter with a stranger named Maximo. He is located in a predetermined spot. Listen to his little spiel, and then he’ll offer to let you buy it. You can decline his offer, and then he will lower his price. Or you can rob or murder him, then loot him for it, but you will lose honor.
If he somehow gets away, or you never looted him, the treasure map may show up at a fence a few days later. Check the video guide below for help in finding the Jack Hall Gang Treasure Maps. The final prize is 2 gold bars. Note that if you do this in the Epilogue, it may be difficult to swim to the islet. You’ll have to ride on horseback.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Treasure Map Locations – High Stakes Treasure
The owner of this map is in a random location around the Dakota River, by the Cumberland Falls area. Search for him between Valentine and Wallace Station. He is not going to give up the map willingly, so you must take it by force. If repeated attempts are unsuccessful, the treasure map may end up at a fence, so go check there. The final prize for this treasure is 3 gold bars.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Treasure Map Locations – The Poisonous Trail Treasure
As early as Chapter 2, you can head straight up to Cairn Lake and find The Poisonous Trail treasure map inside the cabin. It’s in a locked box underneath the bed. If you’ve completed the Jack Hall Gang and High Stakes treasure hunts, completing this one will complete the Explorer Challenge. The final prize for this treasure is 4 gold bars.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Treasure Map Locations – Le Tresor Des Morts Treasure
This treasure is specific only to those that own the Special or Ultimate Editions of Red Dead Redemption 2. You can find the first map in the nearby burnt down settlement southwest Horseshoe Overlook. Inside the jailhouse, check the left cell for the first map. Follow the video guide below to find the remaining maps, and the final treasure of 6 gold bars.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Treasure Map Locations – Otis Miller’s Treasure
Otis Miller’s treasure is simply his revolver (and a few erotic photographs). You can’t get this final treasure until the Epilogue, so you can wait this one out. The old hag has a silver locket necklace which can be used to craft a bison horn talisman. Neither of these hermits can be reasoned with, so it’s best to do a preemptive attack. Some dynamite can take care of her dogs.
The Hermit who has the second torn treasure map has the Rare Shotgun, which you want to get. If you don’t pick this up after you kill him, it’s gone forever. And if he kills you, he will not be there once you return for revenge. So you better not take any chances if you want this Rare Shotgun.
Check back for more guides and articles on Red Dead Redemption 2. I am currently working towards a 100% Completion and Collectibles guide.
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