Dreamcatchers are a collectible found hanging on trees within Red Dead Redemption 2. They are not related to any quests, and can be sought after at any time. Read on to find out more about Red Dead Redemption 2 Dreamcatcher Locations.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Dreamcatcher – Purpose?
They are part of the requirement to get 100% completion. Besides that, collecting them all will reward you with an Ancient Arrowhead item. It allows your stamina to last twice as long when drawing your bow. The Ancient Arrowhead is labeled in the Satchel in ‘Kit and Tools‘ category under Keepsakes.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Dreamcatcher – Where?
There are no clues or map to lead you to find all 20. You are just supposed to examine your surroundings and notice them. They sparkle if you are nearby them and use your Dead Eye vision, but that only helps if you are within close vicinity.
Once you have inspected all 20, their locations draw an outline of a giant whale. Just beyond the waterfall in the Elysian Pool you can find a hidden cave. This hidden cave has a particular cave drawing a giant whale. This is where you will find the Ancient Arrowhead — in the eye of the whale.
You can’t simply go there and expect to grab it without finding the Dreamcatchers first. They must be found and inspected for the Ancient Arrowhead to show up as the reward. The whole process of finding them should take around 20 minutes.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Dreamcatcher – Video Guidance
This video guide will help you find all 20 Dreamcatchers. They are organized in an order that will minimize backtracking all across the map. The starting locations are usually off some main road. Pay special attention to which way the character icon is facing to help you locate these spots.
Check back for more guides and articles on Red Dead Redemption 2. I am currently working towards a 100% Completion and Collectibles guide.
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