Marvel vs Capcom Infinite Captain Marvel Mission 10 involves partner Chun-Li with the Infinity Time Stone. This is a guide with tips on how to complete this mission.
The first 3 hits of this Mission is relatively easy — just keep a nice tempo. The 4th hit that starts the air combo needs to be done after Captain Marvel finishes her aerial spin. You won’t be able to confirm it until after that. What you’ll need to practice here is going from the 4th hit directly into the grab. This must be done immediately. The active switch also has to be executed right after.
When Chun-Li has been switched in, you will need to hold down the analog to charge her spin kick. The correct timing on when to execute the kick is important, because it determines enemy placement. The enemy placement will determine whether you will be able to connect the final part of the combo. Examine the video to see when to time it — the enemy has to fall right in front of Chun-Li. The Spinning Bird Kick should “freeze” the opponent in mid-air if you’ve done it right.
Keep in mind the command inputs are very strict. If the timing is off or the direction input is not directly upwards, the combo will get stuck and won’t progress. The same goes for active switching too early. And don’t forget to let go of ‘forward‘ position for the two hard aerial combo hits.
After Spinning Bird Kick – Mission 10 Sticking point
The sticking point which you will likely get stuck on is the bounce from the Chun-Li air combo. When you activate the Time Stone, there will be a brief period which you must wait before you can do anything. Let Chun-Li’s feet touch the ground then immediately perform the jump kick. Where the failure here comes from is not waiting until the very near-peak of the jump to perform the jump kick. Chun-Li needs to be at or above the enemy on the first hit of the air combo. This is so Chun-Li is above the enemy for the last two hits, which will knock the enemy to the ground for the bounce. The last two hits will also “pull” Chun-Li towards the ground so you can perform the dash immediately afterwards. After Chun-Li lands to the ground, you need to quickly dash forward so the kick-punch combo will hit.

The very last part of Mission 10 should be committed to memory and done reflexively. You’ll have to practice this because the Time Stone speeds everything up. Remember to Active Switch at the right time to call in Chun-Li before it’s too late. The actual hyper combos are easy to pull off since you have plenty of time. Just make sure you perform nice quarter-circles to complete the mission.

Want more Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite content? Check out the cinematic cutscenes from the story mode.
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