Lost Words: Beyond the Page is a new indie game from developer Sketchbook Games, published by Modus Games. View the trailer below.
They have nailed down the voice acting (narration) and the soundtrack (at least for this trailer). We’ll have to see some raw gameplay but initial impressions seem positive.
The narrative in Lost Words is tied directly to the gameplay in a unique way. The player controls the protagonist (Izzy) by interacting with words to solve environmental puzzles.

Lost Words is a 2D exploration adventure game.
Lost Words is a narrative video game that takes place between the pages of a girl’s diary and an imaginary fantasy land. It’s written by Rhianna Pratchett and sees players interacting with different words to solve puzzles and progress through the story.
Rhianna Pratchett has been the writer for many notable games, including: Heavenly Sword, Mirror’s Edge, BioShock Infinite, Tomb Raider (2013), and Rise of the Tomb Raider.

The trailer ends with an estimated release December 2019, but that has since been moved forward to 2020. Lost Words: Beyond the Page is available on many platforms: PC, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, and Xbox One.
I’m hoping Modus Games can carve out a strategic release date, so the game can get some proper focus. Lost Words has lots of potential.
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