God of War 4 Valkyries Guide
To unlock the gold trophy ‘Chooser of the Slain‘, you must defeat all nine God of War 4 Valkyries. Most of their locations are hidden within the Hidden Chambers of Odin. You will need to advance the main story until you obtain the Chisel to be able to enter. Defeating them also gives rewards for epic gear.
None of the Valkyries have elemental weakness except for two: Gondul and Hildr. So you are free to use either the Leviathan Axe or Blades of Chaos, or both. Gondul requires entering the Muspelheim Realm and beating the trials on Normal and Hard. Gondul’s weakness is frost, so use the Levithan Axe. Hildr is located in the Niflheim Realm and is weak to fire. The Blades of Chaos work will on her.
You should tackle these after you have played through the main story. These Valkyries require good gear and Kratos should be decently upgraded. The game will mark their locations on your in-game map. Set the marker on the Valkyrie icon and follow the Witch’s Compass to find your way.
It is recommended you take on the Valkyries in Midgard first. Then Alfheim, Helheim, and then Muspelheim/Niflheim. Learn their moves because the final ninth Valkryie will be utilizing every technique you have seen from the previous eight.
God of War 4 Valkyries #1 – Gunnr
Gunnr introduces the torpedo-like spinning scythe attack that is easy to see and counter. You can’t really punish until the second scythe spin finishes. Learn the wing combo, and anticipate the unblockable. Gunnr can be hit out of the air with your axe. Or you can parry the incoming hit and punish afterwards.
God of War 4 Valkyries #2- Geirdriful
Geirdriful has the air attacks that will keep you guessing. It will be the curved chakrams, or an unblockable chakram attack. You need to block the curved ones, and move out of the way of the unblockable ones. Or you can hit her out of the air once you see her preparing. Whenever she rises in the air just have Atreus shoot and arrow to interrupt. It’s important to close the distance and put the pressure on this Valkyrie.
God of War 4 Valkyries #3 – Eir
Eir’s unblockable mace slam can be frustrating. You’ll need to evade from this as soon as you see it. There is a slower follow-up attack you can parry. This Valkyrie tests your ability to manage distance. Eir also blocks which requires you to block break. It’s an easy punish. One of Eir’s rewards is Eye of the Winged Chosen enchantment. I recommend you equip this immediately as it helps with evasion. Kratos will be able to skate around enemies with ease.
God of War 4 Valkyries #4 – Kara
Kara is the only Valkyrie to be able to summon Draugrs. On Hard difficulty, their attacks can kill Kratos in 2-3 hits. It’s good to have Atreus do some crowd control. Make sure to switch him to Shock Arrows. It may be best to stay back and allow for Kara to come to you, rather than chase her. Keeping an eye on your threat indicator is important. The Blade of Chaos works well here to damage multiple enemies.
God of War 4 Valkyries #5 – Rota
Rota introduces the heel stomp. You know this when she yells: “Valhalla!”. She can do this three times in a row, or mix it up with a dash into an unblockable stab. Remember that this unblockable stab can be evaded to the back or back-right. Evading back-left is not safe, since it’s the Valkyrie’s right wing. Why is this important? Because sometimes a Valkyrie can do a dash forward into a wing combo instead. The wing combo starts with the left wing, so evade back-right becomes unsafe. Still, I take my chances and leave room to my right when anticipating this attack.
God of War 4 Valkyries #6 – Olrun
Olrun is super fast so no point chasing her. You’ll have to learn to use the 180-turn if you are not familiar with it yet. Block the wing combos and find your attack moment. Remember to dash from the unblockable stab and riposte.
God of War 4 Valkyries #7 – Gondul
Use the Leviathan Axe against her. She has a straight line of fire attack that is easy to dodge. She also has that mace slam attack as Eir. But this should be easy to avoid with the Eye of the Winged Chosen enchantment. Gondul also has a heel stomp attack but it’s just once, preceded by some flames. Evade twice to escape this one.
God of War 4 Valkyries #8 – Hildr
You’ll probably have to get some good Niflheim gear to survive the Mist. You can run past all the enemies directly to her. Use the Blades of Chaos against Hildr. Her ice attack should be blocked, but look for the unblockable chunk you need to evade that comes at the end. Punish her after the spinning scythe attack, and also after breaking her block.
God of War 4 Valkyries #9 – Sigrun
Sigrun on Hard difficulty is something else. Sigrun the Queen has all the attacks of previous Valkyries, so expect it all. You’re going to have to be switching between both weapons to use all possible Runic Attacks. You’ll also have to time them right so you don’t get hit during it. I recommend using the Axe for overall damage dealing, since it’s stronger. If you can see, the Light Attack of the Blades of Chaos barely does any damage. The key to winning this fight on Hard is patience. You’ll have to make sure not to overextend yourself.
Realm Shifting. If you are good at last second dodging, you can equip the talisman: Amulet of Kvasir (Rare). This is found in a Legendary Chest in Alfheim – Light Elf Sanctuary area to be specific. Similar to the Talisman of the Realms (Epic), but better because the Amulet of Kvasir does not have a cooldown (although the Kvasir has lower stat boosts).
Check out the God of War 4 Impossible Muspelheim Trials Guide as well as Niflheim’s Favor for Sindri: Ivaldi’s Curse Walkthrough on Hard difficulty. They both unlock the other Gold Trophies.
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