God of War 4 Impossible Muspelheim Trials Guide
Once you’ve found 4 Muspelheim language ciphers, you’ll be able to travel to the Muspelheim realm. In this Realm there are an assortment of Impossible Muspelheim Trials you can partake in. It is suggested that these be left until post-game, after you have completed the Journey. The enemies here are high-level and require strong equipment. Kratos should be around level 7-8.
There are 6 Impossible Muspelheim Trials total. You have to complete the first 5 Trials twice — once on Normal and once on Hard. Only then can you unlock the 6th Trial which is the Valkyrie Gondul. Once you have defeated Gondul, the Muspelheim Impossible Trials are unlocked.
Impossible Trials – Why?
The main rewards are the rare resources. These are used to upgrade your armor and gear to maximum levels. You also unlock a trophy ‘Fire and Brimstone’ after completing Trial 6 on Impossible. To unlock Trial 6 Impossible, you need to complete any 3 Trials on Impossible difficulty. Some are harder than others, and they all have good rewards.
Trial I: Impossible Muspelheim Trials
Defeat 20 enemies without taking any damage. This is a short trial in terms of the time it takes, but one of the toughest. You have to play really defensively, since you can be hit by a random projectile. Use Atreus to distract. Pay attention to your threat indicator. With 15 enemies remaining, the white walkers come out with ice spears. Bring up your shield and use Atreus to kill them. Soon after a Soul Devourer ancient will appear. If you have Spartan Rage, you should use this now and eliminate it quickly. If you are having a tough time, you can lower the difficulty so Kratos does more damage and the enemies are less aggressive.
Trial II: Impossible Muspelheim Trials
Kill enemies before time runs out. 4 minutes to kill a whole gang of enemies. Use your Runic Attacks and Summons as soon as you can. You want to do fast, big damage. The Revenants are very bothersome here. Hit them with the Heavy Axe throw to freeze them. Make sure Atreus is using Light Arrows to build up the stun meter. Melee combat will take out the Revenants faster. Tatzelwurms are the biggest time wasters in this trial. Also hit them with your Heavy Axe throw to keep them above ground. You can smash the ground with a heavy axe attack combo to pop them up.
Trial III: Impossible Muspelheim Trials
Kill enemies while they are inside gold rings. There are 3 waves total. You’ll want to use the Blades of Chaos for this one. You can pull the enemies within the ring Scorpion-style. If you stun enemies, make sure you get them from just outside the ring so Kratos can finish them within it. You must be more measured while using Atreus, since he can draw enemies the wrong way. You can stun the Ogres and ride them within the rings, damaging them in the process. Keep an eye on their health so you don’t kill them too soon. This is one of the easier Muspelheim Impossible Trials, but also much longer.
Trial IV: Impossible Muspelheim Trials
Enemies regenerate health quickly. One of the easier trials, but can also be lengthy if your difficulty is high. Go full melee and Atreus with the Light Arrows to build up the stun meter. Then use the stun grabs to beat them. There are 5 waves in total. Dark Elfs need a Heavy Axe throw to freeze them. Then you can Spartan Kick them into the lava or off the edge of the cliff. If you are running low on health, Spartan Rage can help you gain some while stunning enemies.
Trial V: Impossible Muspelheim Trials
Kill enemies to increase time. Another lengthy trial with 5 waves of enemies. You’ll have to manage the enemy’s health and finish them only when needed. Each kill gives you 30 seconds, but the timer can’t go over 1:30. This is a war of attrition. Save your Spartan Rage for when your health gets too low. It’s also a good idea to save your Spartan Rage for Wave 5, which has Shield Draugrs and Hel-Travelers. These guys have extreme defense, and need to be whittled down fast with Runic Attacks/Summons. Stun grabs are nice, but remember they eat up a bit of time.
Trial VI: Impossible Muspelheim Trials
The last of the Impossible Muspelheim Trials. Also known as Sutr’s Hidden Trial, this one is random in it’s objective. You are scored with a Bronze, Silver, or Gold depending on your performance. You need at least Bronze to complete the trial, and unlock the ‘Fire and Brimstone’ trophy. The greater the performance, the better the rewards. With a Gold performance, you get the Crest of Surtr. Silver gives you Greater Crest of Flame, and Bronze just the Crest of Flame. The random objective is not something you haven’t already done in the trials. It will be either: 1) defeat 50 enemies, 2) defeat as many enemies as possible within time, and 3) defeat enemies without being hit.
Once you successfully complete the trial, the sword re-appears and you can go collect more keys to be able to attempt it again for more resources. If you fail to get Bronze, you can retry again without having to get 3 more keys.
Check back for a complete trophy guide to God of War 4, as well as guides for Nilfheim Darkness and Fog trophy and the Corrupted Valkyries.
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