God of War 4 Darkness and Fog Trophy Guide
Once you find four Niflheim ciphers, you will able to travel to that Realm. Within the Niflheim Realm, you can undertake three favors from Sindri. The first two are relatively easy, but the last one can be challenging. The last favor: Ivaldi’s Curse, involves sealing three Realm Tears. These Realm Tears are within Ivaldi’s Workshop Center Chamber, along with many chests. Sealing all the Realm Tears and looting the Center Chamber unlocks the Darkness and Fog Trophy.
Before you can jump into sealing the Realm Tears, you’ll need an Entry Stone which Sindri can craft using some Mist Echoes. Mist Echoes are found in the chests after defeating enemies in this Misty Realm. This completes Sindri’s first Favor: Ivaldi’s Workshop. Sindri’s second favor is to retrieve the Rusted Royal Armor next to a corpse within the Center Chamber. This is an even easier favor. Once you are inside the Chamber, you will then see where the brunt of the effort will come from. The treasure chests and realm tears requires resources. A lot of them. You’ll need Mist Echoes, and a rare resource — Anchor of Fog.
In total, you’ll need about 69,000 Mist Echoes to open every Realm Tear and treasure chest. And you’ll need one Anchor of Fog for each Realm Tear, for a total of three. Mist Echoes are easy to find enough, but Anchor of Fog requires more work. To get this epic resource, you’ll need to defeat as many enemies as you can, and open as many treasure chests as possible. Anchor of Fog is located in the Legendary Chests deep within this trap-filled realm. But you can’t simply run past the traps and enemies deep into this labyrinth to loot the chests. The fact is, the more enemies defeated and chests you open, the better your chances of getting the Anchor of Fog.
Sealing the Realm Tears
There are 3 Realm Tears in total. To distinguish them, they all need a different amount of Mist Echoes. Tear 1 requires 10,000. Tear 2 requires 20,000. And the furthest back Tear 3 requires 15,000. Let’s start with Tear 3, since it’s the toughest.
Tear 3 – 15,000 Mist Echoes & 1 Anchor of Fog
This is the toughest Realm Tear to seal, because of the 3 Revenants. If you are playing on the Hard difficulty like me (Give Me a Challenge), then you’ll need to quickly obliterate them to stand a chance. 2-3 hits from the enemies can kill you. You can die very quickly if you decide to use a Runic Attack at the wrong time. There is one Revenant that you need to focus on at the very start. The Revenant Summoner will keep producing Nightmares until you defeat it. Activate Spartan Rage and have Atreus shoot it to make it appear, then throw a boulder at it. Two direct-hit boulders should kill it. If you don’t have enough for a Spartan Rage, then focus on building it in the other Realm Tears before this one. Have Atreus shoot down the remaining Nightmares. Attacking them could leave you open to the other Revenants.
Tear 2 – 20,000 Mist Echoes & 1 Anchor of Fog
You’re faced with a Soul Devourer and two Wulvers. The main enemy is the Soul Devourer; kill it and you seal the Realm Tear. If you kill the Wulvers, they come back at a higher level. Wulvers start off as level 1 and go up to level 8. Keep them distracted with Atreus. Stunning the Soul Devourer is the way to destroy it quickly. You can do this by throwing the axe at it’s center chest when it’s open, or throwing one of the orbs it pops out at it. Then Stun Grab it and melee it until it collapses.
Tear 1 – 10,000 Mist Echoes & 1 Anchor of Fog
This is the easiest Realm Tear to complete, so if you need to build your Spartan Rage, do this one first. It’s just three Ogres in total. Make sure Atreus has his Light Arrows equipped, and Kratos using melee attacks to stun them quicker. Then you can stun grab and ride an Ogre attacking the others. After you have sealed the Tear, don’t forget to collect the rewards in the Tear which is needed to unlock Darkness and Fog Trophy.
Treasure Chests
Opening the treasures alone without sealing the Realm Tears won’t unlock the Darkness and Fog Trophy. You must defeat all the enemies to collect the rewards within the Tears. Smash all the wooden chests, and open all the surrounding coffins. Finally, the Legendary Chests that require Mist Echoes contains many epic gear, including Chilling Mists of Niflheim. You can use this at either Brok or Sindri to craft a Frozen Flame resource. This is used to upgrade the Leviathan Axe to the max. After all treasures are collected, including the treasure by the corpse, the Darkness and Fog Trophy will unlock. You can now go back to Sindri to tell him you completed his favor.
Check out the Muspelheim Trials Guide on tips and strategies for the Impossible Trials. Completing Trial 6 unlocks the Fire and Brimstone Trophy.
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