Wow check out the new Final Fantasy 7 Remake Teaser Trailer! It shows gameplay, close character models, character voices, and a whole lot more.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Teaser Trailer – Impressions
Well where do we start? Probably the biggest change in this remake: the character models. Aerith’s facial expressions are so life-like and emotive. They really nailed it here. You can tell so much from someone’s facial expressions — their disposition or current feeling. This was something that you could not get with the original game, due to the lack of technology. They had to rely more on dialogue and miming (gestures). This brings a whole new dimension to this game.

They didn’t show much of the streets of Midgar, but there is one screenshot that looks promising. Also, look at this awesome shot of the Final Fantasy VII Remake PS4 Theme.

The voices sound alright. Aerith and Barret sound exactly like I would imagine, but I think it changes the personality of Cloud for me. Sephiroth doesn’t sound quite as menacing as I thought he would be. The gameplay UI and fonts work for me, providing the info without being distracting.
As for the gameplay itself, I’m glad they did away with the traditional turn-based system, and switched it to this action style. I grew up on character turn-based; don’t get me wrong, but I think it’s time has come and gone. Anyway it seems pretty similar to the gameplay in Final Fantasy XV, so there isn’t a whole lot of surprise there.
Final Fantasy VII Remake is going to be split up into parts, to allow access to certain settings that were available in the original game.
There’s more to come in June, probably at E3. Check back here for more coverage. Leave a comment below on your thoughts!
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