Detroit: Become Human Walkthrough & Flowchart Guide
This is the launch page to every chapter — the Detroit: Become Human Walkthrough & Flowchart Guide.
If you are looking for a guide on finding the magazines to unlock the Bookworm Trophy, click here: Detroit: Become Human Magazine Locations Guide. If you need help on unlocking the trophies, check the Detroit: Become Human Trophy Guide.
Click on any of the thumbnails: the Episodes play the Chapter, All Endings show all possible outcomes in that chapter, and the Flowchart will lead you to the specific chapter page that has more info, including the Chapter Flowchart, of course.
This table is best viewed in landscape mode on mobile. You can use the 'Search' box to find a specific chapter quickly.
Detroit: Become Human Walkthrough & Flowchart Guide // Best, Worst, & Conditional Endings
While there are ending videos for each chapter, these here are separate ending videos for the entire game itself.
The Worst Ending is one in which all characters have died. When this happens, you unlock a special conditional ending which is the Kamski Interview.
If you have steered the story path to keep all characters alive, you unlock the ‘Survivors’ trophy and the Best Ending. You will naturally get a conditional ending where Hank is waiting for Connor, as they are friends.
Then there are Conditional Endings, which don’t fit in any particular chapter. They require certain conditions to unlock. Here are some examples:
- Kara remains reset. She never escaped being reset in Chapter 16: Zlatko.
- Waste Landfill Dump. These endings original from the Kara Captured chapter, and there are many variations with Kara, Alice, and Luther. Although they could be alive, they are just outside of Detroit and never made it to Canada. Which means they could still be on the run, if Markus was unsuccessful in the Revolution/Demonstration.
- Kara could abandon Alice in Chapter 29: Crossroads. This requires pre-planned decisions to lower the relationship level all the way down to ‘Distant’, and not to hug Alice after Kara finds out the truth.
There are many more Conditional Endings, which are interesting to see. If Connor became the leader, he’ll have to make an important decision, if he is able to find the Magic Stone. His choice mirrors what Hank will end up doing — if Hank’s relationship with Connor ended up being tense or hostile. What happens to the remaining deviants in that situation — nobody knows.
You can leave a question or comment below and I will answer it when I can. Need help unlocking all the trophies? Check the Detroit Become Human Trophy Guide for 100% Completion and Platinum.
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Your link for “A New Home” points to “The Painter”.
Thanks for the correction — I got them switched around. It should be fixed now.
Chapter 9: Fugitives — the flowchart is 98%, missing one option at the start
In the “Find a way to escape” part of “Battle For Detroit>Kara Captured” there’s a node for having Jerry create the diversion and I can’t for the life of me figure it out. So in the “Find a way to escape” part of the flowchart there’s a “Talk to Jerry” node, but I can never get that to come up for me. Jerry is there but it only shows “Talk to Luther”. Any idea what I need to do to be able to talk to Jerry? Greatly appreciated, ty