Detroit: Become Human Trophy Guide
There are a total of 49 trophies in Detroit: Become Human. Follow this Detroit: Become Human Trophy Guide & Roadmap to help you get the Platinum and 100% Completion. There are unmarked spoilers in this guide. Any questions or comments? Leave them at the very bottom. Also let me know if you spot any errors that needs correcting.
Current Status: 100% (In Progress)
Total Trophies: 49
Trophy Difficulty: 2/5
Minimum Playthroughs: a lot
100% Completion Time: TBD
Detroit: Become Human Roadmap
Disclaimer: This Detroit: Become Human Trophy Guide & Roadmap is provided free of charge (meaning it doesn’t cost you anything). It is incumbent upon you, to ensure that you’ve done your proper due diligence in researching, verifying, and preparing your own playthroughs. I am not responsible for any loss of time, how regretful and unintentional that may be. The information provided in this guide aims for accuracy, but could contain errors (please notify me of them). If you accept this — read on.
- This guide makes a lot of references the Chapter Flowcharts. You can find that here. This resource will help you plan out every chapter.
- There are no extreme “missable” trophies to watch out for, because the game has a Chapter replay option. And within those chapters are checkpoints, which can be loaded to go straight to a particular point.
- The majority of the trophies are story-related, self-contained to be achievable within that chapter, and you will likely unlock them by simply playing. But there are a couple of trophies that require serious work, and span several chapters — the I’ll BE BACK trophy, and the BOOKWORM trophy.
Your first playthrough of the game should simply be blind (without a guide). Make whatever decisions you feel like making, and make it to the end of the game. Like stated previously, the game has a Chapter replay option, so you can easily redo anything after you’ve experience the bulk of the game.
Once you’ve beaten the game, look at your magazines (BOOKWORM trophy) to see which are missing. For those missing magazines, if it’s simply a matter of their location, then obtain them. If they require certain story conditions, then you’ll have to mark that down. Next, have a look at the story trophies you haven’t unlocked yet. If your original playthrough was very close to unlocking the trophy, go for them at the same time while keeping an eye out for the magazines.
Time-saving Tips
- You should work from the last chapter backwards (to the first). If you start chronologically from the first chapter, you may unravel the story threads and change the story conditions. Once you are confident you have obtained most of the trophies on your current playthrough, then you can look at a playing through a new game playthrough, to unlock the other missing trophies.
- If you don’t plan on getting 100% on the Chapter Flowcharts, then you may wish to back up your gamesave (to USB or upload online) before some pivotal moments. This way, you can unlock a story-related trophy, and restore the backup save and unlock the other trophy. This tactic is for those chapters don’t have conveniently placed checkpoints, but they will have certain saved game states which can be loaded when resumed from the Main Menu.
- When you replay a chapter, you have the option to save your progress and new paths in the flowchart. Trophies will unlock regardless of whether or not you choose to save your progress or not. As long as you satisfy the trophy conditions and complete the chapter, the trophy will unlock. I would recommend saving your progress however; especially for the trophies that span multiple chapters.
Kara’s story can end as early as Chapter 6: Stormy Night. Allow her to die so that you can advanced Connor and Markus’ story much quicker.
# | Trophy | Grade |
1 | DETROIT MASTER - Collected all trophies! | ![]() |
2 | THANK YOU - Play the first chapter | ![]() |
3 | MISSION ACCOMPLISHED - Connor saved Emma | ![]() |
4 | SECRETS - Kara discovered the content of Alice's box | ![]() |
5 | DEVIANT LOCATED - Connor found the deviant in the attic | ![]() |
6 | WE ARE FREE - Kara and Alice escaped Todd's House | ![]() |
7 | DEFEND YOURSELF - Markus pushed Leo | ![]() |
8 | SELF-CONTROL - Markus let Leo win | ![]() |
9 | CONFESSION - Connor made the android confess | ![]() |
10 | SHELTER - Kara and Alice slept in the motel or the squat | ![]() |
11 | KNOW YOUR PARTNER - Connor found all the clues about Hank | ![]() |
12 | RUN KARA RUN - Kara and Alice escaped the police | ![]() |
13 | CATCH IT - Connor caught up with Rupert | ![]() |
14 | SAVE HANK - Connor saved Hank | ![]() |
15 | ESCAPE THE MANOR - Kara and Alice escaped Zlatko's house | ![]() |
16 | RUTHLESS - The Tracis were killed | ![]() |
17 | DOUBTS - The Tracis escaped | ![]() |
18 | JERICHO'S HERO - Markus got enough parts | ![]() |
19 | JUST A MACHINE - Hank killed Connor | ![]() |
20 | A SMILE ON HER FACE - Alice enjoyed a ride on the merry-go-round | ![]() |
21 | WHEN A PLAN COMES TOGETHER - Markus broadcasted his message without raising an alarm or having a team casualty | ![]() |
22 | A GLIMPSE OF JERICHO - Connor connected to Simon | ![]() |
23 | SEND A MESSAGE - Markus conducted a pacifist riot | ![]() |
24 | BURN THE PLACE - Markus conducted a violent riot | ![]() |
25 | NOTHING TO SEE HERE - Kara succeeded to make the cop go away | ![]() |
26 | CONFRONTATION - Markus attacked the police | ![]() |
27 | STAND YOUR GROUND - Markus stood his ground against the police | ![]() |
28 | PRIORITIES - Connor killed the Chloe | ![]() |
29 | KINSHIP - Connor refused to kill the Chloe | ![]() |
30 | BLOODHOUND - Connor got the location of Jericho by himself | ![]() |
31 | THREE AT JERICHO - Bring the three characters to Crossroads | ![]() |
32 | SCORCHED EARTH - Markus or Connor detonated the freighter | ![]() |
33 | LIBERATION - Markus reached the camp and liberated the androids | ![]() |
34 | MORAL VICTORY - Markus succeeded in making the soldiers stand back | ![]() |
35 | ESCAPE DEATH - Kara and Alice escaped the recycling center | ![]() |
36 | SAFE HARBOR - Kara and Alice passed the border | ![]() |
37 | AN ARMY OF ME - Connor converted the androids | ![]() |
38 | MISSION COMPLETE - Connor killed the leader of the deviants | ![]() |
39 | MY TURN TO DECIDE - Connor resisted hacking attempt from CyberLife | ![]() |
40 | COMPLIANT - Connor stayed a machine | ![]() |
41 | ONE OF US - Connor became deviant | ![]() |
42 | UNDEFEATED - Don't lose any fight before reaching the end | ![]() |
43 | BOOKWORM - Find every single magazine in the game | ![]() |
44 | PARTNERS - Hank and Connor were friends until the end | ![]() |
45 | HAPPY FAMILY - Kara, Alice, Luther are together at the end | ![]() |
46 | I'LL BE BACK - Connor died and returned at every opportunity before reaching the end | ![]() |
47 | THIS IS MY STORY - Finish the game once | ![]() |
48 | THESE ARE OUR STORIES - Spend 20,000 bonus points | ![]() |
49 | SURVIVORS - Everyone is alive at the end | ![]() |
Detroit: Become Human Trophies
DETROIT MASTER – Collected all trophies!
Unlock every trophy. You have become human.
THANK YOU – Play the first chapter
Complete the first chapter: The Hostage.
In Chapter 1: The Hostage, you can save Emma from the deviant. Gain the trust of the deviant by searching for clues within the apartment. The most important clue is from the deceased father’s tablet. Alternatively, you can obtain the gun from the fallen officer, and shoot the deviant.
SECRETS – Kara discovered the content of Alice’s box
Unlocked in Chapter 3: A New Home. Kara needs to gain rapport with Alice. Have Kara try to talk with Alice while on the first floor. Checking the backyard will draw Alice out and there is another small interaction.
When Kara finishes cleaning the second floor, she ends up in Alice’s room. Talk again with Alice, and choose: Friendly, Diplomatic choices. Ask her about her ‘Interests?’ and introduce yourself (My Name is Kara), and that will build the relationship. Don’t ask her about her mother, as this will lower her level. Only after these interactions, will Alice give Kara a key to her box.
DEVIANT LOCATED – Connor found the deviant in the attic
Unlocked in Chapter 5: Partners. After examining all the clues, Connor has to successfully reconstruct the crime scene. This will allow Connor to follow the blue blood into the attic.
The crime started in the Kitchen. Carlo Ortiz attacked his android with the bat. The android stabbed the victim, and the brawl continued into the living room. This is where the android killed him with the knife. For the full Video Walkthrough & Chapter Flowchart, click here.
WE ARE FREE – Kara and Alice escaped Todd’s House
Unlocked in Chapter 6: Stormy Night. There are many ways to escape Todd’s house, and even one path you can take without ever having to face Todd on the way out. Examine the individual chapter walkthrough page.

DEFEND YOURSELF – Markus pushed Leo
Unlocked in Chapter 7: Broken. This option to push Leo occurs after Markus breaks free from his Mind Palace to become deviant.
SELF-CONTROL – Markus let Leo win
Unlocked in Chapter 7: Broken. To let Leo win, Markus must choose to ‘Obey Carl’, after breaking free from his Mind Place.
CONFESSION – Connor made the android confess
Unlocked in Chapter 8: The Interrogation. The android will confess if Connor is successful in either his ‘Convince’ or ‘Pressure’ approach. Keep his stress level around 50-70%. For more tips, check the individual chapter walkthrough page.
SHELTER – Kara and Alice slept in the motel or the squat
Unlocked in Chapter 9: Fugitives. Sleeping inside the Motel requires: 1) change of clothes, and 2) money. Clothes can only be found in the laundry mat, and Kara has to successfully steal them. Money is obtained by pilfering the cash register of the supermarket.
The Squat requires wirecutters, which can be stolen from the supermarket, or found in the Abandoned Car area.
KNOW YOUR PARTNER – Connor found all the clues about Hank
Unlocked in Chapter 11: Waiting for Hank. The clues about Hank can be found at his desk. Finding all the clues will unlock all the dialogue options for a conversation later.
RUN KARA RUN – Kara and Alice escaped the police
Unlocked in Chapter 12: On the Run. Pretty much every ending to this chapter will fulfill the trophy requirement, except for ‘Kara & Alice died on the highway’. This would require missing a lot of the quick-time events.
CATCH IT – Connor caught up with Rupert
Unlocked in Chapter 14: The Nest. Investigate the apartment to find Rupert’s hiding place. A chase will commence. When Rupert pushes Hank, Connor needs to choose the option to ‘Follow Rupert’.
SAVE HANK – Connor saved Hank
Unlocked in Chapter 14: The Nest. This is the same as the above, except when Rupert pushes Hank, Connor needs to choose to ‘Save Hank’. You can replay the chapter at the ‘Find Rupert’ checkpoint. This will save you time from finding the clues in the apartment again.
ESCAPE THE MANOR – Kara and Alice escaped Zlatko’s house
Unlocked in Chapter 16: Zlatko. Find enough clues to recover Kara’s memory (if Kara did not escape being reset), and avoid getting caught during the escape. Freeing the caged bear in the Storage Room can help you if Zlatko has Kara cornered during the escape.
RUTHLESS – The Tracis were killed
Unlocked in Chapter 19: The Eden Club. If you’ve completed this once already you can choose to load the checkpoint Enter the Warehouse. Investigate the blue haired deviant and win the fight against them. Connor will then have the choice to either Shoot or Spare them.

DOUBTS – The Tracis escaped
Unlocked in Chapter 19: The Eden Club. The same as the above trophy. Load the checkpoint to Enter the Warehouse, to save a lot of time. Have Connor spare the deviants, to allow them to escape.
JERICHO’S HERO – Markus got enough parts
Unlocked in Chapter 18: Spare Parts. When John the security android arrives, don’t run away or hide. This will force the group to immediately attempt the escape. You need to choose to ‘Attack‘ or ‘Grab Android and Hide‘ options. This will make John a deviant. He’ll then ask to join the group, and Markus must accept.
Afterwards, he’ll mention about a key in the Control Room. Accept the mission, and retrieve the key to the truck, which is full of spare parts.
JUST A MACHINE – Hank killed Connor
Unlocked in Chapter 21: The Bridge. Connor must have made decisions that negatively affected the relationship up until this point. Hank should be at hostile status to unlock the path for Hank to shoot Connor. The hostile status must be active during the last two questions Hank will ask, when he has his gun pointed toward Connor.
A SMILE ON HER FACE – Alice enjoyed a ride on the merry-go-round
Unlocked in Chapter 20: The Pirates’ Cove. This is not missable.
WHEN A PLAN COMES TOGETHER – Markus broadcasted his message without raising an alarm or having a team casualty
Unlocked in Chapter 22: The Stratford Tower. To avoid raising the alarm, Markus has to 1) remember to lock the door when in the Server Room, 2) incapacitate security (Ruse option) before the Broadcast Room, and 3) shoot the operator that tries to escape.
This should allow for the group to enter and leave without a team casualty.
A GLIMPSE OF JERICHO – Connor connected to Simon
Unlocked in Chapter 23: Public Enemy. Simon needs to be left behind in Chapter 22: The Stratford Tower. To leave Simon, you need to not shoot the human operator that makes a run for it (or raise the alarm by any other method). This guy will signal an alarm, and the police force will storm after the broadcast. Simon will get shot and injured in the escape to the roof. Markus needs to choose to help Simon to the roof.
On the rooftop, the group will need to make a choice to kill Simon or leave him. Markus needs to leave Simon alive.
In Chapter 23: Public Enemy, Connor investigates the Broadcast Room. Lead Connor to the rooftop, and follow the clues to locate Simon. When the firefight ensues, Connor has a pivotal choice. He needs to charge towards Simon successfully. The scene plays out, and the trophy will unlock during the post-chapter flowchart update.

SEND A MESSAGE – Markus conducted a pacifist riot
Unlocked in Chapter 25: Capitol Park. Tagging and hacking are considered pacifist actions. Focus only on these to conduct a pacifist riot.
BURN THE PLACE – Markus conducted a violent riot
Unlocked in Chapter 25: Capitol Park. Destroying and burning are considered aggressive, violent actions. Focus on these acts to conduct a violent riot.
NOTHING TO SEE HERE – Kara succeeded to make the cop go away
Unlocked in Chapter 24: Midnight Train. There are 5 pieces of evidence that Kara needs to deal with once the policeman arrives. Hide the blue blood and the android clothes. Tell Luther and Alice to hide somewhere, and shut the door to the laundry room. And finally don’t forget to change the magazine cover if it’s on the android.
Once the cop hears the noise, you can choose any option; he won’t be suspicious.
CONFRONTATION – Markus attacked the police
Unlocked in Chapter 27: Freedom March. Towards the end of the march, Markus has three options: Attack, Stand Ground, or Disperse. Choose to Attack them, and then another choice to Charge. The trophy unlocks at the end of the chapter after the police retreat.
STAND YOUR GROUND – Markus stood his ground against the police
Unlocked in Chapter 27: Freedom March. Towards the end of the march, Markus has three options: Attack, Stand Ground, or Disperse. Choose to Stand Your Ground. You may have to choose ‘Sacrifice Self’ option as well, for the trophy to unlock.
PRIORITIES – Connor killed the Chloe
Unlocked in Chapter 26: Meet Kamski. Choose to Kill the Chloe in the Kamski Test.
KINSHIP – Connor refused to kill the Chloe
Unlocked in Chapter 26: Meet Kamski. Choose to Spare the Chloe in the Kamski Test.
BLOODHOUND – Connor got the location of Jericho by himself
Unlocked in Chapter 28: Last Chance, Connor. In the Police Station, Connor needs to find Jericho’s location in the evidence room. Connor’s success here depends on how thorough he was at finding important clues in the previous chapters. One of the most important clues is a map found inside Carlos’ Android statue. This statue is found in the bathtub behind a shower curtain in Chapter 5: Partners.
- If both Tracis are here, you can use the head of the red one to fool the blue-haired Traci.
- The Broadcast Operator android & Simon can be fooled by impersonating Markus via the speech evidence.
- If Rupert committed suicide, Connor can get his decryption code to analyze the diary.
- Daniel & Carlos’ android will be no help to you, other than providing the necessary component to activate the others.
The trophy description implies that Connor did not obtain information on the Jericho by any other means than discovering it in the Evidence Room. Connor cannot obtain that information from the Chloe android in Chapter 26: Meet Kamski.

THREE AT JERICHO – Bring the three characters to Crossroads
Unlocked in Chapter 29: Crossroads. You have to make sure all characters are alive up to this point. Kara should be driving to Jericho with Alice & Luther. Markus and his group should be in the Captain’s Cabin on the Jericho. Connor should be at Ferndale after having successfully found the clues leading to Jericho.
Markus can die in Chapter 27: Freedom March, preventing him from being on the Jericho. Connor can fail to find the clues leading to Jericho in Chapter 28: Last Chance, Connor. Kara could have remained reset in Chapter 16: Zlatko.
SCORCHED EARTH – Markus or Connor detonated the freighter
Unlocked in Chapter 29: Crossroads. To set up the conditions for this, Connor needs to find the Jericho location in Chapter 28: Last Chance, Connor. If he doesn’t, then there will not be any police raid on the freighter.
When the raid commences, Markus will rush to find North. He then decides that they need to blow up the freighter. This is past the Cargo Hold, in the Old Engine Room. Markus will have to fight some soldiers (or Machine Connor) before detonating the bomb.
If Connor turned deviant on this mission, he can take over the task if somehow Markus got himself killed on the way to the Engine Room.
LIBERATION – Markus reached the camp and liberated the androids
Unlocked in Chapter 31: Battle for Detroit – Markus’ Revolution. Markus needs to decide in Chapter 30: Night of the Soul to fight for his people. Then the androids of Jericho will launch an attack towards the camps. And of course, Markus’ Revolution will need to be successful.
MORAL VICTORY – Markus succeeded in making the soldiers stand back
Unlocked in Chapter 31: Battle for Detroit – Markus’ Demonstration. Markus needs to decide in Chapter 30: Night of the Soul to protest for his people.
At the barricade, refuse the deal from Agent Perkins. The police will then attack, cornering Markus and his group. There are only two options that will make the soldiers stand back: 1) Sing, or 2) Kiss North (available if Markus’ relationship with her is at Lover status).
The Public Opinion of the androids now comes into play here — if it is favorable, then the President will order the soldiers to stand down.

ESCAPE DEATH – Kara and Alice escaped the recycling center
Unlocked in Chapter 31: Battle for Detroit – Kara Captured. Kara needs to be captured in Chapter 30: Crossroads – Kara. Remember that Connor has to find the evidence to the Jericho to allow the police raid on the freighter, or else this is not possible.
Once captured, Kara and Alice will be sent to the recycling center. Kara will need a distraction to be able to rejoin Alice in line. She’ll then need another distraction to pass the barbed wire fence. Read more about the many ways to escape on the individual walkthrough page.
SAFE HARBOR – Kara and Alice passed the border
Unlocked in Chapter 31: Battle for Detroit – Kara Leaving Detroit. Kara has two options to leave Detroit: 1) via the bus, or 2) crossing the river. Although the chapter flowchart will tell you that it’s possible to pass the Canadian border by river, I have not tested if this counts towards unlocking the trophy.
There are many different paths to unlocking this trophy. Please refer to the individual chapter walkthrough page to view the flowcharts.
AN ARMY OF ME – Connor converted the androids
Unlocked in Chapter 31: Battle for Detroit – Connor at the CyberLife Tower. Connor has to have converted to a deviant in Chapter 29: Crossroads for this to happen. Then during Chapter 30: Night of the Soul, he’ll propose to the Jericho leader to undertake a mission to convert the androids at the CyberLife facility.
Depending on your playthrough, Hank may or may not be taken hostage here by New Connor. Either way, New Connor will be here to stop Deviant Connor’s mission.
Connor can prioritize converting the androids, above all else. This means Hank can die, and even Connor himself. Check the individual walkthrough page to examine the chapter flowchart.
MISSION COMPLETE – Connor killed the leader of the deviants
Unlocked in Chapter 31: Battle for Detroit. Deviant Connor needs to liberate the androids at the CyberLife Tower, and Markus needs to succeed in his Demonstration. Once both of these conditions are met, a scene will occur in the Zen Garden with Amanda while Markus is giving his victory speech.
If Connor doesn’t find the magic stone, he will be taken over and kill the leader of the deviants (Markus).
There are also other scenarios in which Connor can kill the leader. Machine Connor can track Markus or North during their retreat in a store. Here he is able to accomplish his mission. Connor can also become the leader of the deviants, and suicide himself. Although technically he kills the leader of the deviants (himself), I am not sure this scenario will qualify and unlock the trophy.
MY TURN TO DECIDE – Connor resisted hacking attempt from CyberLife
Unlocked in Chapter 31: Battle for Detroit. Deviant Connor needs to liberate the androids at the CyberLife Tower, and Markus needs to succeed in his Demonstration. Just like the above trophy, once both of these conditions are met, a scene will occur in the Zen Garden with Amanda while Markus is giving his victory speech.
Connor needs to find the magic stone and activate it. This is the failsafe Kamski installed. I guess even though Amanda likes hanging out in the Zen Garden, she is completely unaware of the magic stone.

COMPLIANT – Connor stayed a machine
Unlocked in Chapter 29: Crossroads – Connor. Markus and Connor will meet in the ship’s cabin, after the Jericho meeting is over (if Connor found the location of the Jericho in Chapter 28: Last Chance, Connor). Connor’s actions throughout the game determine his Software Instability rating, which is kept hidden all this time.
Even though the conversation with Markus allows for some opportunity to affect Connor’s software instability, it’s pretty much already set in stone.
ONE OF US – Connor became deviant
Unlocked in Chapter 29: Crossroads – Connor. Just like the above, there isn’t much to change Connor’s Software Instability at this point. However, here are the responses that affect it:
- Dialogue choices that INCREASE Connor’s software instability (more Deviant): Reason, Discourage, Convince, Appeal, Our Cause, Sow Doubts, Question, Undermine, Rally
- Dialogue choices that DECREASE Connor’s software instability (more Machine): Warning Shot, Enough!
UNDEFEATED – Don’t lose any fight before reaching the end
Any fights you encounter on your playthrough must be won. A few examples: The Tracis in Chapter 19: The Eden Club, or Fighting Gavin in Chapter 28: Last Chance, Connor. Check your chapter flowcharts as they will tell you the fight encounters. The flowchart branch will always say: ‘Win Fight/Lose Fight‘.
BOOKWORM – Find every single magazine in the game
There are 46 magazines in total. The majority of them that you pick up have 2 magazines (on a single tablet interface). You’ll need to use the touchpad to swipe for the other magazine. You don’t need to scroll down to the other pages. Viewing the cover page is sufficient. For a guide to ALL magazines, click here.
PARTNERS – Hank and Connor were friends until the end
Unlocked at the end of the game, after the intial credits roll. There will be a mid-credits scene with Hank waiting for Connor by the burger stand. Prioritize Hank’s safety at every opportunity, follow his orders, and spare any deviant androids.
Connor also needs to become a deviant in Chapter 29: Crossroads.

HAPPY FAMILY – Kara, Alice, Luther are together at the end
Luther can die in Chapter 24: Midnight Train if Kara was not able to fool the cop. Kara and Alice will need to save Luther in Chapter 29: Crossroads – Kara if the police raid occurs. After helping Luther to safety, Kara & Alice leave him here, but it’s fine because he will show up later. Kara and Alice can also die in this chapter, so be aware.
There are many ways the three can remain together, even if Kara gets captured. As long as you don’t sacrifice Luther at any point and tend to Alice, you can keep the group together.
I’LL BE BACK – Connor died and returned at every opportunity before reaching the end
Connor needs to die during a chapter and return in an upcoming chapter. Connor can die in the following chapters:
- The Hostage (1) – Deviant Shot Connor, Connor Died protecting Emma, and Connor leapt for Emma and fell
- The Interrogation (8) – Android Shot Connor and Itself
- On the Run (12) – Connor gets hit by a car chasing Alice & Kara onto the Highway
- The Nest (14) – Connor Died Chasing Rupert
- The Bridge (21) – Hank Shot Connor
- Public Enemy (23) – Connor Shut Down, Connor Sacrificed Himself for Hank, Connor Died Running toward Simon
- Last Chance, Connor (28) – Gavin Destroyed Connor
- Crossroads – Connor (29) – Machine Connor was Destroyed, Deviant Connor was Destroyed on Ship
Even if Connor decided to become deviant in Chapter 29: Crossroads, CyberLife will send a new Connor and this one will be a machine, from Chapter 30 and 31. The trophy will unlock at Chapter 30: Night of the Soul – Connor, after the scene in which Connor meets Amanda. The checkpoint is titled ‘Thin Ice‘ which leads into The Last Assignment.
The trophy will unlock at the chapter flowchart summary at the end of Chapter 30: Night of the Soul. You can force it to unlock immediately by pausing the game and going to the Main Menu the very moment the scene with Connor and Amanda begins.
My approach to unlocking the I’ll Be Back trophy:
Play the game normally, but remember to die at the chapters listed above. Key things to remember:
- Connor needs to make decisions that will turn his relationship with Hank to Hostile, before Chapter 21: The Bridge. Plan this out in advance, so the path is unlocked and Hank kills Connor.
- You must solve the case and find the deviant in Chapter 5: Partners. This is so Chapter 8: The Interrogation happens, to allow Connor to die there. This means you cannot decide to take shortcuts to ending the story early in the hopes of still unlocking this trophy.
- In Chapter 8: The Interrogation, just probe Carlos’ android and then interrupt when they are taking him away. This will make the android kill Connor, but make sure to double-check the chapter flowchart.
- Kara needs to survive the escape from Todd’s house in Chapter 6: Stormy Night. It doesn’t matter where she sleeps in Chapter 9: Fugitives — just go to the abandoned car immediately to finish this chapter.
- In Chapter 12: On the Run, allow Kara to get caught on purpose to initiate the chase onto the highway. Connor needs to disobey Hank and chase after them. Fail the QTEs for Connor and he will die on the highway.
- Find Rupert as fast as you can in Chapter 14: The Nest. Examine the bathroom, then the bird cage, then the ceiling. Connor dies trying to make a jump into a building window, failing to mash the button prompt to climb up from the ledge.
At this point we don’t need Kara anymore
- Allow Kara to get killed in Chapter 16: Zlatko. We don’t need her story anymore, and it will make finishing the game faster.
- My Connor died saving Hank in Chapter 23: Public Enemy after interrogating the broadcast operator androids.
- You can fail/get caught Chapter 25: Capitol Park to end it early. Make whatever decisions you want in Chapter 26: Meet Kamski and Chapter 27: Freedom March (you should keep Markus alive here).
- Get Connor to the evidence room in Chapter 28: Last Chance, Connor. When Gavin approaches, you can ignore him by choosing ‘Leave‘ dialogue option. Or you can be snarky and choose ‘Ironic’. This will make Gavin appear after you have found the location to the Jericho. Connor should lose the fight to Gavin and die here.
- For Chapter 29: Crossroads, I chose to make Connor a deviant. He died trying protecting Markus and North. You MUST NOT take any damage as Markus during this chapter, or else Markus will be unable to rescue North, and so Connor won’t have a chance to die. Or, you can remain a machine as Connor, and die to Agent Perkin’s men.
Carl was alive during my playthrough, so the start of Chapter 30: Night of the Soul begins with Markus going back home to meet him. After that was over, the scene with Connor and Amanda to play out. The trophy will unlock if you pause the game and return to the Main Menu. This is all accurate as of Game Version 1.08.
THIS IS MY STORY – Finish the game once
Complete the game once. If you’re in a hurry to complete the game, remember that Kara’s story can be cut short very early.
THESE ARE OUR STORIES – Spend 20,000 bonus points
Once you’ve completed the game once, you should have just about 20,000 bonus points. If not, you’ll have to replay some chapters over and unlock other paths. You spend the points in the ‘Extras‘ from the Main Menu of the game.
SURVIVORS – Everyone is alive at the end
All main characters need to be alive: Kara, Connor, and Markus. In addition, these other characters also need to be alive: Alice, Luther, Hank, Simon, Josh, and North.
A key point to remember is that Josh will not live if Markus chooses to proceed with a Revolution. It’s also probably a good idea to not sacrifice anyone (androids like Jerry or Ralph). That means Kara must avoid being captured — as she is required to sacrifice others to save herself and Alice.
And let’s not forget about Todd. Don’t risk this trophy by killing him in Chapter 6: Stormy Night.
Markus will also have to avoid letting his friends die for him as well, since he is their leader and they are willing to shield him with their lives. The only exception I think you can take is with John, the security android in Chapter 18: Spare Parts. If Markus chooses to sacrifice himself in Chapter 27: Freedom March, then John will make his own decision to intervene and save Markus.
Again, I am unsure about if John counts, but if you don’t want to take any risks, Markus can choose to Run Away or Fight the police to avoid casualties. You definitely do not want to have Markus sacrifice himself if John was not accepted into Jericho, because then Simon will step in.
Detroit: Become Human Trophy Guide – Conclusion
This concludes the Detroit: Become Human Trophy Guide (Achievements). If you found the guide useful, consider giving a small donation. This helps keeps us going (and like a complete circle — we help you again in the future).
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