Detroit: Become Human Markus Demonstration Walkthrough

Detroit: Become Human Markus Demonstration Walkthrough – Chapter 31: Markus’ Demonstration.  Markus has decided to proceed with a Demonstration to free the androids from all over.  This is demonstration for android freedom.

There is a magazine in this chapter, next to the frighten android sitting on the ground.  Collect this as soon as you can.

Detroit: Become Human Markus Demonstration Walkthrough

This chapter is all about bringing up the public opinion.  Provoking or accusing dialogue choices in the beginning don’t help.  Markus has to remain peaceful and calm.

You can agree to speak with Agent Perkins and hear him out, but if you accept his deal, it won’t end well.  Don’t forget to choose the slogan during the barricade section to bring up public opinion a bit more.  All of Markus’ allies can be here, and remain alive at the end of this chapter.

Walkthrough [A] follows this chapter until the end.

Detroit: Become Human Markus Demonstration Flowchart

Chapter 31: Markus Demonstration Flowchart is 100% complete.

Detroit: Become Human Markus Demonstration Endings

This is where positive public opinion comes into play.  For the best ending — for the androids to win their freedom, Markus must either chose to ‘Sing‘, or if North is at lover status, ‘Kiss North‘.  Then, if the public are sympathetic to the androids, then they will have won their freedom.  Otherwise, the soldiers will fire upon them and Markus will have died with his people.  The other option is to use the dirty bomb detonator that North gave Markus.

It’s curious to see that the game leaves the best ending open by mentioning that the androids won their freedom “for the moment.”

If you enjoyed the Detroit: Become Human Markus Demonstration Walkthrough check out the other chapters on the launch page here.  Each post will also have the chapter flowcharts and endings.  You can leave a question or comment below and I will answer it when I can.

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