If you’re familiar with the game Deadly Premonition, then you know who SWERY is. Real name Hidetaka Suehiro — he has a new game out on Kickstarter called The Good Life.
From the Kickstarter description:
The Good Life is a debt repayment daily life RPG co-developed by SWERY’s White Owls Inc. and a development team led by Yukio Futatsugi, the creator of Panzer Dragoon and Phantom Dust.
The Good Life is a Daily Life Simulator x SWERISM
You like bizarre and mysterious things?
You like unique and memorable characters?
You want to enjoy a game that offers a lot of freedom, but you also want to enjoy a good story?Think that’s too much to ask for? Not in The Good Life! This game is made for you!
I’ve been a fan of SWERY ever since Deadly Premonition, which came out a decade ago! I can’t believe it’s been 10 years so far.
He’s had two major games come out since then: D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die & The Missing: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories.
I tried a bit of D4, but never had the time to dig in. The Missing I don’t have an excuse for not trying, except lack of time. Both games never seemed to reach the same cult-acclaim as Deadly Premonition.
The good news is that there is a sequel coming out: Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing In Disguise, an exclusive for the Nintendo Switch. That one should be out sometime this year.

The Good Life is still under development, so no estimated release but I’m willing to bet it’s out some time in 2020.
The White Owls released a Prototype Demo you can try out for yourself.
Full disclosure — I am a Kickstarter backer. So expect to see some more coverage from this game!
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