| April 25th, 2019 7:00AM CDT | "Chasing Leon"An outbreak has occured in Oregon. During the mass hysteria, Sarah Whitaker gets stabbed and needs medical attention. Her husband -- Deacon St. John -- secures her transport via helicopter. Unfortunately, Deacon is unable to accompany her, due to his best friend 'Boozer' being injured. Deacon says his 'goodbye' to Sarah, and vows to meet up with her. Two years later, and Sarah is lost. Deacon and Boozer are chasing a bounty, Leon. Boozer has a run-in with some Rippers, who torch his arm. Deacon has to look out and care for his friend. This is the first 60 minutes (unedited) of 'Days Gone'. |
 | May 28th, 2019 9:00AM CDT | "No Starving Patriots"Copeland needs Deacon to clear out a nearby radio tower of the inhabiting marauders. He wants to get his Radio Free Oregon broadcast going. Boozer radios Deacon about a nearby squatter camp too close to O'Leary Mountain. Deacon returns to the cemetery to find Leon's stash. While here, he encounters a NERO helicopter and follows it. He overhears the name 'O'Brian', who was the NERO scientist that night he put Sarah on the helicopter. He needs to find this O'Brian to find out what happened to Sarah. |
 | May 28th, 2019 3:00PM CDT | "Price On Your Head"Deacon heads to the Hot Springs Camp in the Belknap region to trade Leon's drug stash for camp credits. Ada Tucker runs this camp and tells Deacon to find her more "bodies" for work. One of Tucker's scouts saw a girl around Marion Forks. Alkai, her second-in-command, informs Deacon that the Rippers are looking for him and Boozer. They have a price on their heads. Deacon returns to the old refugee camp where Sarah was supposed to be. He relives the final moments he saw Sarah... |
 | May 28th, 2019 7:00PM CDT | "Searching for Something"Following the NERO helicopter, Deacon was able to obtain a NERO radio they left behind after being attacked by swarmers. Deacon replays the memory of the first time he met Sarah. Later, Deacon contacts Tucker for more information on the missing girl. |
 | May 29th, 2019 9:00AM CDT | "It's Not Safe Here"Deacon arrives to Marion Forks to look for the girl that one of Tucker's scouts spotted. A gang of Rippers intrude on the search, and Deacon deals with them. Deacon finds Lisa Jackson hiding in her home, waiting for her family. He convinces her to come with him, and takes her to Hot Springs. After a short conversation with Tucker, Deacon is unsure on how Lisa will be treated. |
 | May 29th, 2019 3:00PM CDT | "Making Contact"O'Brian can be heard on the NERO radio communcations and Deacon heads to the location he overheard. Finally confronting O'Brian, he demands some answers on the fate of Sarah. O'Brian has no conclusive answers, however this gives Deacon a spark of hope for her survival. Back at Hot Springs camp, Deacon checks up on Lisa. She is unhappy there and says they refuse to let her leave. Ada Tucker has a job for Deacon to find another girl -- Rose, nearby another radio tower. |
 | May 29th, 2019 7:00PM CDT | "What Have They Done"In an attempt to cheer Lisa up, Deacon finds her a thunder egg. However, Lisa is not moved at all, and asks him to take her back to Marion Forks, which he cannot oblige. Copeland radios Deacon about a Ripper camp and is aware of the skirmish Deacon and Boozer had with them. Later, Tucker informs Deacon that the Hot Springs camp had just been hit by Rippers, and kidnapped Lisa. Deacon needs to rescue Lisa, and decides if her future could be somewhere better... |
 | May 30th, 2019 9:00AM CDT | "I Should Have Left Her"Boozer is not getting any better. Deacon has a flashback with Sarah in which she shows him how lavender can be used as a healing salve. Boozer tries to convince Deacon that he is fine, and together they will be ready to move on and ride north… |
 | May 30th, 2019 3:00PM CDT | "No Place Else to Go"After a severe halluncination, Boozer almost shoots Deacon. Having had enough, Deacon decides to take Boozer to the Lost Lake camp, where he attempts to steal the supply of antibiotics. Deacon is caught by Rikki and Addy, who invite them back to their camp. This forces Deacon to speak to Iron Mike, who had previously banished him. |
 | May 30th, 2019 7:00PM CDT | "I Need Your Help"Thankful for taking them in, Deacon wants to know how he can help Addy in the Infirmary. She needs a Liston knife from Sherman's Camp. O'Brian radio Deacon and asks for his help in tracking a NERO scientist. He offers to find any information on Sarah in exchange. |
 | May 31st, 2019 9:00AM CDT | "Searching for Lisa"Lisa went missing from the Lost Lake camp after being sent out on a hunt. She was last seen at the Rogue Camp, which is where Deacon searches for clues, but was only able to find a note she left behind. Back at the Infirmary, Boozer is not recovering as well as he had hoped. Skizzo has a plan for Deacon to get some antibiotics; the problem is that they are located in the forbidden Iron Butte region, where Iron Mike has a truce with the Rippers. Deacon infiltrates and procures the medicine, but not without raising the ire of Iron Mike. |
 | May 31st, 2019 3:00PM CDT | "It's On A Mission"Deacon tracks another NERO scientist group for O'Brian. Although Deacon has volunteered to help out the Lost Lake camp, he refuses to work with Skizzo. Rikki has a job for him to track down Red Riley who was a former camp member that murdered one of their own. Deacon doesn't need anymore motivation. Boozer seems to be in better spirits, and the efforts Deacon has made to heal his friend has finally paid off. |
 | May 31st, 2019 7:00PM CDT | "Flow Like Buried Rivers"Iron Mike and Deacon go out on a run together. Deacon shares his idea to help out the camp by reducing the horde numbers with dynamite. He proposes a plan to seal the caves, but needs to find the explosives. Iron Mike has an idea of where to get some. They two discuss the truce that the camp has with the Rippers, but Deacon questions Iron Mike's peaceful approach. |
 | June 1st, 2019 9:00AM CDT | "On Herod's Birthday"Rikki has another bounty for Deek to hunt down Erik Lynch. O'Brian has yet another NERO scientist group for Deacon to spy on. |
 | June 1st, 2019 3:00PM CDT | "I Got A Job For You"Skizzo orders Deacon to go on marsh duty but Rikki has something else in mind. The electrical lines and transformers around the camp check out fine, so Rikki asks Deacon to escort her to check out the hydro dam up north. The two take this time to catch up on things, but run into trouble at the hydro dam. |
 | June 1st, 2019 7:00PM CDT | "Moments of Lucidity"Deacon tracks another one of O'Brian's beacons, and learns more about the freakers from the NERO scientists. Even though Boozer is fully healed, he seems depressed. Deacon goes back to O'Leary Mountain to get his bike. This doesn't cheer up Boozer, however, since it just reminds him that he cannot ride anymore. Addy talks to Deacon and says Boozer's mental health is just as important as his physical. |
 | June 2nd, 2019 9:00AM CDT | "Lines Not Crossed"The document Iron Mike obtained from Sherman's Camp showed that the Lucky Lab Cinnabar Mine was expanding. This means that there has to be explosives located there -- the explosives they need to seal up the surrounding hordes. Skizzo tags along with Deacon to search for the explosives. After some discussion, Skizzo proposes to Deacon that they should run the camp, after Iron Mike "retires". Deacon is not accepting of this betrayal. |
 | June 2nd, 2019 3:00PM CDT | "About Boozer's Arm"After arriving back to the Lost Lake camp, Boozer has gone missing. Skizzo says he spotted him drinking and talking about going "home". Deacon rushes out to search for Boozer before he gets into any trouble. Noticing his downturn in behavior, Deacon asks Rikki if she could outfit Boozer with a knife blade. He searches for the parts required in Marion Forks, but not before stopping by Lisa's home to look for her. O'Brian radios one more time, but Deacon isn't having anymore of it. |
 | June 2nd, 2019 7:00PM CDT | "You Could Have Done More"Deacon agrees to do more one favor for O'Brian, and decides to take Boozer along with him. O'Brian finally comes up with some trail of Sarah's whereabouts, but it hits a roadblock. Boozer wanders off on his own, and encounters some Rippers that were hunting down dogs. Deacon and Boozer go on a rampage and destroy every last one. |
 | June 3rd, 2019 9:00AM CDT | "Better to Light One Candle"After the news about Sarah, Deacon has decided it's time to move on and stop mourning Sarah. It's been over two years. He returns to the Marion Forks Church where he and Sarah got married. He relives the memory of their wedding one last time, before burning down the church. Focusing on his friend, Deacon asks Addy for some anti-depressants, but she tells Deacon that Boozer needs to heal his "heart". He then heads out with Rikki to fix the transformer, and bring light back to the camp. |
 | June 3rd, 2019 3:00PM CDT | "Don't Get Caught"Addy found a location that could be home to some healthy dogs. Deacon finds a puppy and returns him to Boozer so that he can serve as care-taker, and it can serve as his companion. Skizzo contacts Deacon with another one of his bright ideas, that leads once again into Ripper territory. They need to get the det cord for the explosives. Deacon reluctantly agrees, not knowing what he is about to get into... |
 | June 3rd, 2019 7:00PM CDT | "I Kept My Name"After a betrayal, Deacon has to escape the Ripper camp. All hope seems lost, until a familiar face shows up. Deacon needs to rush back to the Lost Lake camp, and push back against the Rippers that have invaded. The treaty between the Rippers and the Lost Lake Camp seems to be in jeopardy. Deacon reacts to the betrayal, and plans to deal with the Rippers himself, after learning who the leader is. |
 | June 4th, 2019 9:00AM CDT | "Without Being Seen"Using the det cord and explosives, Deacon hatches a plan to get rid of the Rippers once and for all. The Rippers have become more of a threat than the surrounding hordes, so Deacon has decided to use the explosives to blow the dam, flooding the Iron Butte region and the Ripper's camp. Boozer comes along to help him finish this mission. |
 | June 4th, 2019 3:00PM CDT | "Time for Some Payback"Boozer and Deacon head to the Ripper camp to kill the remaining members, and their leader. It's time to end this, once and for all. Back at Lost Lake Camp, Deacon finds Iron Mike seeking prayer. They exchange some words. |
 | June 4th, 2019 7:00PM CDT | "Why Am I Here?"Back at Lost Lake camp, Deacon witnesses Rikki teaching Addy how to ride a bike. This spurs an old memory of him and Sarah. Deacon recalls that Sarah had high-level security clearance at the old Cloverdale Laboratory she worked at. He immediately radios O'Brian to confirm if Sarah was among those with security clearance that were able to escape the Silver Lake evacuation. |
 | June 5th, 2019 9:00AM CDT | "Riding Nomad Again"Deacon asks Iron Mike to take him over the Thielsen Pass. Iron Mike agrees on the condition that Deacon never returns. Boozer says his goodbye as Deacon hangs up his colors and rides "nomad" again. Crossing into the new region, Deacon stumbles upon two members from the Deschutes County Militia who are in need of help. They take him back to their camp, to meet with Captain Kouri. |
 | June 5th, 2019 3:00PM CDT | "Driven to Extinction"Arriving at the Diamond Lake camp, Deacon searches for Sarah but has no leads. Captain Kouri takes Deacon on a scouting run, to track down one of their members that went AWOL. The pair find their man mingling with a camp of marauders. They have taken a survivor, Crystal Adkins. Deacon isn't waiting around for the calvary, and takes matters into his own hands. His performance is given the seal of approval by Kouri. |
 | June 5th, 2019 7:00PM CDT | "I Don't Have A Pic"Kouri and Deacon stop by a scenic overlook of the Wizard Island camp. Kouri show a picture of his wife, which allows Deacon to relive a flashback memory of when he proposed to Sarah one moonlit night. Kouri brings Deacon to Wizard Island to be initiated into the Militia by the Colonel -- Matt Garret. Garret introduces Deacon to various high-ranking officers, including a familiar face. |
 | June 6th, 2019 9:00AM CDT | "Never Give Up Hope"Weaver has Deacon out looking for cinnabar to further his project. Taylor contacts Deacon on the radio to get better acquainted. Later on, Deacon is tasked with an assignment from Col. Matt Garret to rescue an officer, Justine Norwood. Deacon takes his time to inspect some items within the colonel's tent, while making off-hand remarks within the colonel's presence, risking insubordination. He finds the colonel's cherished bible, and Sarah's herbal teas. |
 | June 6th, 2019 3:00PM CDT | "I Know Things Are Strange"Kouri radios Deacon to help him find the location of yeast for Sarah. Taylor is out there tracking down a drug trafficker by himself. Paying a visit to the Crater Lake Visitor Center, Deek risks life and limb against 3 Breakers to get that yeast. Doc Jiminez -- your friendly neighborhood doctor that likes to intermingle his spanish with english -- wants to check up on Deek's arm. Taylor's snooping around gets him into trouble and is in need of rescuing. |
 | June 6th, 2019 7:00PM CDT | "Afraid of a Little Competition?"Col. Garret has an assignment for Deacon to retrieve an escaped worker, Crystal Adkins. She had stolen her jewelry which the colonel wants recovered. Sarah Whitaker needs silicate from Mazama Village to further her research. Deacon stumbles upon an argument between Sarah and Weaver -- it seems each have their own projects working toward the same goal. |
 | June 7th, 2019 9:00AM CDT | "Just Another Requisition Form"Sarah is behind schedule according to Col. Garret, and he threatens to pull resources from her to give to Weaver. Deacon is out on another requisition for Weaver to find polystyrene. Sarah decides join Deacon to go out on a run for her latest requisition: a centrifuge located in Chemult Community College. |
 | June 7th, 2019 3:00PM CDT | "You Couldn't Stop Shaking"Deacon and Sarah continue their search inside Chemult Community College for the centrifuge. Forgetting to hide his bike, Deacon alerts a whole group of marauders. They now have to fight their way out and return to Wizard Island. |
 | June 7th, 2019 7:00PM CDT | "I Knew These People"Taylor is now assigned to guard duty for Doctor Jiminez. Doc Jiminez has desires to go outside of the confines of the camp and asks Deacon to accompany him, but Col. Garret denies his request. Sarah needs a DNA synthesizer to continue progress on her project, and the only way to find one is at the old Cloverdale Lab over the mountains. Deacon takes her there. |
 | June 8th, 2019 9:00AM CDT | "We Couldn't Take the Risk"The Cloverdale Lab still has power. The self-sustaining systems allows food to grow. However, there seems to be some security issues within the compound. Someone is still here. After getting the DNA synthesizer, they have to fight their way free against those holed up at the labs. While on this side of the mountains, Deacon takes this chance to contact Boozer and Rikki to tell them of the food at Cloverdale. Deacon and Sarah return to Wizard Island, but not before spending the night together. |
 | June 8th, 2019 3:00PM CDT | "I Don't Wanna Hang"Kouri informs Deacon that something has happened to Doctor Jimenez. Private Taylor was the guard on duty responsible for his safety. Taylor has gone missing along with the camp's drugs; Deacon has to find him. On the way, Deek climbs a radio tower to check up on his friend Boozer. Sarah needs Deacon to retrieve a live Newt specimen to test her project. Deacon finds out the truth of what Sarah has been working on. |
 | June 8th, 2019 7:00PM CDT | "You Alone I Have Seen"Captain Kouri and Deacon have been ordered to test out Weaver's project on a horde. Upon returning to the camp, Deacon finds that Col. Garret has moved the important officers to the Ark -- located within the caves. Deacon and Sarah plan to go AWOL and ride north, to continue her research at the Cloverdale facility. In the meanwhile, Deek is assigned an important task from the colonel, and Weaver wants him him to find an mp3 player. |
 | June 9th, 2019 9:00AM CDT | "I've Got A Plan"Deacon contacts O'Brian to assist him in the Wizard Island escape. Col. Garret orders Deacon to find his stolen bible which was taken by the officer who Deacon replaced. Heading over to the Chemult College, Deek risks his life for an mp3 player for Weaver. O'Brian radios Deacon to find some missing NERO personel. Finally, Deacon picks up some Hemlock for Sarah. He contacts Boozer one last time before the planned escape. |
 | June 9th, 2019 3:00PM CDT | "Shadow of Death"As they prepare for the escape, things don't go quite as planned. Col. Garret flips on Deacon thanks to a familiar foe. Deacon is to be hanged the morning after, but an unlikely comrade has other things in mind… |
 | June 9th, 2019 7:00PM CDT | "Ascending from the Underworld"Crossing the militia-infested Santiam Pass, Deacon hurries back to Lost Lake Camp to warn his friends. This attack was just the beginning. In the aftermath, Deacon has decided to return fire. The group hatch a plan to save Sarah. |
 | June 10th, 2019 9:00AM CDT | "Keep Them Safe"Deacon gives Boozer's puppy a dog toy he found a few days ago. As for their plan, the Iron Butte Ranch has the fertilizer they need, but first Deacon needs to clear the horde so it's safe for Boozer to arrive. Later, Copeland's Camp is attacked by the invading Militia. A friend is captured, and Deacon needs to go save him. |
 | June 10th, 2019 3:00PM CDT | "I'll Save Some For You"The Militia have set up camps in three areas close to Lost Lake. This looming threat needs to be dealt with. Afterwards, Deacon heads over to the Old Sawmill to clear the horde there. The Old Sawmill is home to the other resource they need for their plan: creosote. Their plan is now ready, and the Lost Lake Camp rally together for the assault. |
 | June 10th, 2019 7:00PM CDT | "You Can't Do This Alone"Boozer decides to take matters into his own hands (or hand/ice cream scooper). Deacon is full of sadness and anger as a result; and fights his way up the cone of the island. The Militia don't stand a chance with his fury. Weaver is taken hostage by Deacon's nemesis, who he fights to the death. Finally reaching Sarah, Deacon is at the mercy of Col. Garret. The final scenes play out and this concludes 'Days Gone'. |
 | June 10th, 2019 7:00PM CDT | Ending CreditsThis is the ending credits, and ending credits song. In between the rolling credits, you can see scenes of Deacon and Sarah riding together throughout the regions of Oregon. Rikki and Addy are also seen riding along with them. Boozer can also be seen on the motorcycle carriage attached to Rikki's bike. |
 | June 10th, 2019 9:00PM CDT | "There's Nothing You Can Do"After the main game, there are a couple of post-game missions. "Where's My Damn Rings?" has Deacon retrieving his rings, and importantly wedding ring from Sarah, from a box in the colonel's tent. Rikki and Addy are nearby Iron Mike's gravestone in "We've All Done Things". The girl Deacon saved -- Lisa, returns to see him one last time in "I'm Not A Ripper". And finally, "There's Nothing You Can Do" is O'Brian warning Deacon that NERO is the real threat that is looming, alluding to a 'Days Gone' sequel. |
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